대교협 로고 대교협 로고

  • Admission
  • Student Selection Framework for University Admissions
  • Support Universities to Contribute to Revitalization of High School Education
  • University Admissions Fair
  • University Admissions Counseling
  • Project to Reinforce the Fairness of the University Entrance System
Student Selection Framework for University Admissions
  • To establish, develop, and set the Student Selection Framework for University Admissions to ensure autonomy and predictability of University admissions process by reflecting various opinions from stakeholders
Proposal of basic directions and principles for college admissions process
  • Bring school education back on track and curtail private education costs
  • Simplify college admissions process
  • Ensure a fair and just process for college admissions
  • Reinforce accountability of university
  • Article 34-5 of the Higher Education Act: Public Announcement of Plans for Selection of Applicants for Admission to University or College
  • Article 32 of the Enforcement Decree of the Higher Education Act: Public Announcement of Basic Rules on Screening of Applicants for Admission to University or College, etc
  • Article 33 thereof : Publication of Implementation Plans for Screening of Applicants for Admission to Universities and Colleges
Preliminary announcement on University admissions process
  • Announce basic matters concerning the selection of applicants for admission to each university or college (at least two years and six months prior to academic year)
  • Formulate and publicly announce an implementation plan for the selection of applicants for admission to the university or college (at least one year and ten months prior to academic year)
  • Announce 'Guidelines on University Application' (end of April for early admissions; end of August for regular admissions)
Facilitate the operations of the University admissions process and provide relevant information
  • Operate the University Admissions Screening Committee for consultation / coordination concerning pending issues on college admissions
  • Address the information gap on University Admissions to facilitate preparations of schools
Support Universities to Contribute to Revitalization of High School Education
  • To support admissions screening that contributes to streamlining admission screening and revitalizing high school education
  • To ensure institutional autonomy and empower universities to operate admissions screening process
  • Select universities contributing to revitalizing high school education and provide financial support
  • Enhance universities to implement the admission system reliably and fairly
  • Improve the admission system and encourage operational capabilities
  • Support education and extra curricular activities of high schools
University Admissions Fair
  • To help students, parents, teachers and counselors to obtain comprehensive and practical information on university admissions and counseling
  • To create opportunities for participating universities to attract students
  • Biannual (early admissions in July, regular admissions in December
  • Individual booth for each participating university (1:1 counseling)
  • Special booth dedicated to the admissions officer system and equal admissions opportunities
University Admissions Counseling
  • To provide career counseling, university admissions information and teacher training to establish public education-oriented university admissions counseling
  • Via phone : ☎ 82-1600-1615
  • Via web : College Admission Information Portal (http://adiga.kr)
ADIGA, the College Admissions Information Portal
  • As an information portal on college entrance, ADIGA offers comprehensive access to information on college admissions, provided directly by the Ministry of Education and the KCUE
  • ADIGA guides users throughout every step from an introduction to college programs that are relevant to career interests and goals, admissions requirements, academic performance reviews and counseling
  • Develop university admissions counseling program
  • Organize university admissions information fairs and exhibitions
  • Develop university admissions information package
  • Develop materials for College Admission Information Portal (http://adiga.kr)
  • Provide training for high school teachers to enhance their counseling capabilities
  • Operate Admissions Counseling Groups consisting of high school teachers
Project to Reinforce the Fairness of the University Entrance System
  • To facilitate aggressive support for individual universities to ensure the operation of a fair admissions policy and meet the public’s expectations
  • To identify and tackle improvement points to eliminate any unfair factors and ensure a fair college entrance process
  • To establish a common admissions management and support system targeting all universities
  • Reinforcing the fairness of the college entrance system by preventing external factors (avoidance, exclusion, etc.) from exerting an impact on the system and thereby ensuring that evaluations are performed based on individual students’ capacities and achievements
  • Enhancing expertise in system operation by renovating relevant procedures and elevating the capabilities of admissions officers to new heights so that all applicants’ submissions are evaluated fairly and thoroughly
  • Improving transparency and public trust in the college entrance system through the transparent sharing of the evaluation criteria and screening results