(January 20, 2025) KCUE Remains Committed to Supporting Universities’ Academic Affairs Capacity Building in 2025
2025-01-20 16:18:23
(January 20_ 2025) KCUE Remains Committed to Supporting Universities’ Academic Affairs Capacity Building in 2025.pdf(62.17 Kb)[69]
DATE: 2025-03-21 16:20:48
(January 20_ 2025) KCUE Remains Committed to Supporting Universities’ Academic Affairs Capacity Building in 2025.hwp(114.50 Kb)[69]
DATE: 2025-03-21 16:20:48
KCUE Remains Committed to Supporting Universities’ Academic Affairs Capacity Building in 2025:
Academic Affairs Support Website and Guidelines
□ The Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) implemented the university autonomy capacity building project to create the foundation and conditions to ensure that the government's 2024 policy drive for university autonomy is fully incorporated into the practice of universities, taking into account their own circumstances.
□ To facilitate the improvement of universities' academic affairs capabilities and disseminate best practices, KCUE organized a briefing on improving the university academic system*, a seminar on university academic affairs, a university academic affairs consulting program, and a forum on best practices in university academic innovation**. It also developed a joint training course for university academic officers (non-face-to-face)*** and published the University Academic Innovation Best Practices.
* Six sessions by region.
** Livestreamed on YouTube (251 people attended).
*** Higher Education Training Institute (hrd.kcue.or.kr).
※ Forum and best practices: KCUE website (www.kcue.or.kr) archive 425 and 428.
□ In addition, a close cooperation system has been established with the Korean Association of University Academic Administrators and the Korean University Association of Deans of Academic Affairs to facilitate inter-university consultation and to coordinate and advise on related matters.
□ In 2025, KCUE will continue to work with the Ministry of Education on the university academic autonomy capacity building project to enhance universities’ ability to take the initiative in their academic affairs and establish a management system through inter-university consultation.
□ To this end, KCUE plans to develop a university academic affairs support website as the foundation for the sharing of academic resources among universities. In addition, a university academic affairs guide will be published and distributed to four-year universities nationwide in the first half of 2025. This guide, which will cover legislation related to university academic affairs, field-specific considerations, and use cases, is expected to help universities promote dynamic innovation in an evolving environment with greater autonomy. Initiatives launched in 2024, including working-level training for university academic affairs, consulting, and innovation best practices, will also continue.
□ In addition, KCUE will support public hearings and briefings to identify the needs for academic innovation in universities and gather opinions, listen to the voices of various groups on the establishment of academic management governance in universities (by region, type, size), and monitor higher education laws and regulations, thereby facilitating the gradual, phased establishment of the academic autonomy system in universities.