As a consultation body of four-year universities across the nation, Korean Council for University Education (KCUE) makes policy proposals to enhance greater quality in higher education and facilitates cooperation between universities in areas of academic affairs, finance and facilities. As such, KCUE promotes sound development of university education by enhancing the autonomy and creativity of universities and ensuring the role of higher education for the public good.
KCUE is putting an effort to lay the ground for the internationalization of higher education in Korea especially through curriculum and to promote cross-border mobility of students and faculties. KCUE also focuses on the role as a communication channel between the government and universities, as a facilitator and coordinator of discussions among member universities, and as an institution developing balanced and rational policies to advance higher education in Korea.

A non-profit,
association of 4-year
universities -
197 member
universities(2023) -
Founded in 1982